
søndag 19. mai 2013

30 degrees, Nutella and cards - Hungary at its best

I woke up and felt fine! After the last 30 hours I really needed that even though it’s our last day. Last breakfast. Last busride to school. Last day at school. It was surreal. I didn’t want it to end yet. Of course I was tired, but if I could have just slept for the weekend, I would’ve been fine!   The school was still huge and old, but I loved it and when having our presentation, knowing that it didn’t set a grade, I had fun. For the break they took us to their class to introduce to some non-englsih-speaking guys. It was weird. 


We all went to one of the girls after school. They had a huge garden with a tent and fruit trees and benches and so on. It was a hot day. The sun was shining, it was 30 degrees. What was not to love? Oh, the bbq’ing. Haha, Hungarian food is not a favourite and I knew more was waiting at home. When not lying around in the shadow I was playing cards with some Hungariansl. We thought them Norwegian card games such as Idiot and Turn the 8. We ate some cooked meat and potatoes before going off to the mall to get some new shoes.
World’s best mom
I love my host family and with another Norwegian girl in the house things were even better. She was staying in my room and we decided to try on each other’s clothes for tonight’s "Farwell" party. I borrowed her new dress and she borrowed my new skirt from Budapest. Then I asked the family to take a family-picture with me. It turned out really well and I also posed for some with Muffin, the dog.
   We got some summer-grilled-meat for dinner and then, in the memory of me saying “The best thing I know is pancakes with nutella” we got pancakes with nutella! I could barely finish one, but got the other for night-snack later. Oh, I love my life! 

-Mari Clémentine

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