
søndag 17. februar 2013

Airport on fire, but I made it HOME! - Paris

One: Turn on the feel-good track. 
Two: Enjoy my trip.

So, one could say I’m a rather lucky girl. I mean… I’m in Paris! And I’m alive! But we were travelling for almost 9 hours to get here. And now you all go: Nine hours seriously? Well, yeah. You see at the airport someone decided to turn on the fire alarm so everyone had to evacuate and when inside again everyone had to go to security… AGAIN!
The positive: We got to keep our tax-free drinks and for the open water bottle the Security-man only said: “Drink a little from it so I can see it’s nothing dangerous.” Oh, so much fun...
We made it to Paris, though! More about that tomorrow! Sleep tight, dear world..

-Mari Clémentine

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