
søndag 31. mars 2013

I'm on Twitter!

No, it's not a joke. So I suggest you go to my page and click follow!
---> HERE <--- 
(and listen to this absolutley awesome song while you read my stupid updates)

-Mari Clémentine

lørdag 30. mars 2013

My Turkish/Hungarian Easter Egg

Hey guys!

What's up? I know you're out there reading this and I know it's rather boring because I'm not really out there myself these days. So what am I doing? Baking cupcakes in winterwonderland Norway and organizing my wardrobe back home :) BUT! I just wanted to tell you that I'M GOING TO HUNGARY  in 3 weeks! I don't know if I will get time to blog or what I will do there since it's actually exchange, but either way I'll write something for you! It also looks like I'm going to Istanbul this summer so check back later for more!

Happy Easter!
-Mari Clémentine